Saturday, August 16, 2008

Another Quiet Day

Today while I went to Big C to stock up on baby-related items, Eric et al. went to the pool/sand box. The pavement was very hot and the kids didn't have their sandals on. Madeleine was upset about the hot pavement so Dad went and scooped her up -- she didn't cry! She has this thing with men (except Eric because he feeds her). We've had Madeleine now 12 days and she generally won't look at Dad and won't eat when he is in the room. she is slowly getting used to him but it is a very slow process.

So all you male family members here's a warning, when we get home -- Madeleine may scream, cry, bury her head, arch her back and generally get incredibly upset when she sees you. Try not to take offense. :( You might have to move out of the room until she gets used to you. As she adjusts to life in the US and attaches more to us, I am hopeful this part will get better.

On a bright note, Andrew is learning how to swim and will even jump off the side of the pool. He still doesn't like getting his head wet but we are making progress in that area. By the time we leave Wed, I am hoping he might dunk his head under. :)

We have had such a wonderful time here. I am sad that we are leaving so soon. Aaaah, we will have to come back when Madeleine is older.

Some of you emailed and asked what it's like here. Here are some pictures of Hanoi. Also, you can't see it but everyone here walks slowly because of the heat. I felt like such an American walking fast. Also in a store, count on at least 4 people helping you at the same time. Dad and I went to a little french bakery around the corner. There was 1 person behind the counter getting our desired baked goods out of the display. There were 2 people who would tell the person behind the counter what I wanted - in unison (interpreting the number of fingers I held up and what I pointed to) and there were 2 people checking me out when I paid. :)

1 comment:

Rebekah Wilson said...

Good thing I am not male :) At least it increases my chances of seeing Madeleine! I can't imagine all the great things you have seen and I am sure it is going to be sad to go. But it also has to be incredibly exciting to head home and really settle in as a family :)