Saturday, August 9, 2008

Uncle Ho and Family Rough Housing

This morning we all dressed in long pants and short-sleeved shirts to go see Uncle Ho. Ho Chi Minh's Mausoleum is just 1.5 km from our hotel. It was a really long line but it moved very quickly. Soon we were ushered in two-by-two to see Ho Chi Minh's embalmed body. It was kind of scary honestly just because we didn't quite know all the rules were supposed to follow and there were kind of foreboding guards. So very cool to see Uncle Ho but we enjoyed the rest of the compound with a more relaxed feeling. We visited the Presidential Palace and the little house on stilts he lived in during the 1950s.

Madeleine is doing extremely well. She is warming up to Grandpa Denis. Today he got his 2nd smile. Eric has been able to feed her and she is in general in a very good mood even  though we're out sight seeing. She doesn't seem know quite what to do with most food/drink. We've noticed we have to take a bite ourselves and then she'll eat it.

Hanoi quite honestly still feels very hot and humid to me even though technically this is the way MN or MO summers can be. Maybe its psychological but it does seem more humid. We all are dripping in sweat from just walking at a slow pace 1 mile or so.

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