Tuesday, March 25, 2008

New pictures

There is a family right now adopting a daughter in Vietnam through the same agency. They got us pictures of Madeleine. This is Madeleine in a dress we sent for her birthday. She is holding a little elephant that plays safari music when you pull the trunk. Madeleine's foster grandmother and foster dad are pictured with her.


ek and kids said...

I have a video on my blog that I pulled off of someone else's blog. I do believe that there is a small portion of Madeline in her crib laughing as someone tickles her. Feel free to take a peak. My holt BB name is Crawford Fam.
Oh the video is called orphanages in Vietnam and is before our trip, maybe in Jan or Feb.

asian~treasures said...

Amazing gifts...those pictures of our kiddos with their foster families!! Madeleine is beautiful!!

Sheri--Holt BB